maandag 29 augustus 2011

Pengu Update 5

Working out some final kinks, the final version should be up in just alittle bit.
one of those kinks is the depthbuffer which seems to act up when switching back to the menu. here's a picture of before and after!

see ya

dinsdag 23 augustus 2011

Pengu Update 4

It works! I can make my penguins attack and conquer other iglo's if their number is greater!
in the next action shot, you can see me in possesion of the left neutral one and besieging the top one!


woensdag 17 augustus 2011

What a Wonderous Web!

I just webified myself!!
here's the link :D
go chek it out and try it yourself, it's pretty fun :D

Update, I saw some really funny Names on a funny picture

Isaac Hunt
Wane kur
Mike Lictoris

dinsdag 16 augustus 2011

Pengu Update 3

While I was looking for a billboarding way to make the names apear over the igloos. I sought and I sought and I sought and all I found was either overly complicated or about something completely different!!

what I needed was projecting a 3D point on the 2D screen, so that when I moved around the text would seem to float over the same point in 3D space.

here's the catch! the WINAPI function to Project a D3DXVECTOR3 was only moderately difficult to find.


Using it, however, seemed a lot more challenging!
I ended up making some temporary stuff to catch ll the inout variables DirectX is so fond of.
here's my solution!

void TestGameApp::DrawIgloStats()
    D3DXVECTOR3 IgloPos;
    BOOST_FOREACH(Iglo * i, m_vCheckObjects)
        IgloPos = i->GetPosition();
        D3DXVECTOR3* screenvector = new D3DXVECTOR3(0,0,0);
        D3DXVECTOR3 offset(0,60,0);
        offset+= IgloPos;
        const D3DXVECTOR3 * Passposition = &offset;

        UINT numview = 1;
        D3D10_VIEWPORT pVptemp;
        m_pD3DDevice->RSGetViewports(&numview, &pVptemp);

       -------I got lazy withthe colours around here so figure it out yourself, I might fix it later..--------

        //screen coordinate
        D3DXVec3Project(screenvector, &offset ,&pVptemp, &m_pTrackingCameraLeft->GetProj(), &m_pTrackingCameraLeft->GetView(), &m_pTrackingCameraLeft->GetWorldMatrix());
        D3DXVECTOR3 Finalcoords = *screenvector;

        float m_PinguinAmount = 50;
        tstringstream stream;
        stream << "Amount of Pinguins" << m_PinguinAmount;
        tstring printstring = stream.str();
        DrawString(m_pFont, printstring, Finalcoords.x -50 , Finalcoords.y);



oh here's a picture of the final result:


maandag 15 augustus 2011


well. I suppose it was about time for an update :D

*Lamp makeover! you don't believe it? here's a before and after image!*

And my lov got me a great Coca-cola Plate! only it was filled with candies. YAAAY!!

zaterdag 13 augustus 2011

These arms are snakes

It's 5:15 in the morning.
My eye's are glued to my screen.
My neck is aching.
I've worked all day.
I'm currently listening to russian circles and it's been a great boost this last part.
But I don't feel tired.
Not one little bit.
Because I did it. Just a simple thing like clicking the igloos in Penguwars(I don't have a name yet) required A LOT of my previously gathered knowledge about maths and programing. But I accomplished my goal through perseverance and solid determination.

I feel GREAT!

The song just changed to Xavii - Russian Circles, from the album Station. The slow Elysian fields of melody are sweeping me away. Like rocky when he reaches the top of the stairs, but with far greater musical value.

Go check it out, it's definitely worth your time!
My veins are Pumping around the rush and adrenaline of joy and accomplishment.
I remember why I chose the Major Game Development now. (I love to make art, but I never manage to be completely happy with the entire this.)

<< Spoiler! Things are about to get heavy, Turn back if you think you can't handle it! >>

And since I'm pouring out my heart. I felt weak and lost and in search of passion these last few months, semesters even if you will. I forgot why I wanted to finish what I started all this while back, because of certain mishaps and errors that dotted my course so far. I really needed to find the reason I did it all for again. While I saw all these successful people around me - doing things like a boss, acing classes and still getting sleep, Graduation well above average and looking at life with great interest, ready for whatever was coming, ready to conquer the world - I sat alone and watched, and failed to motivate myself. Wondering if, with my few achievements I deserved to be one of those people who understood how things rolled smooth.

I understand now. I might go as far as calling it an epiffany. It's a hard circle to get into.
and I don't mean the social circle of people who get it. haha.
No I mean that when you have great determination and pull through, You Get the feeling of great Satisfaction.
The latter feeling will in turn fuel your drive to stay immensely focused and determined, allowing you keep the spiral spiraling upwards.

These arms are Snakes.
If you made it this far I would like to thank you for reading.
feel free to share your thoughts in the comments and share if you feel this is a massage of value that should be shared!

Jack Out :)

woensdag 10 augustus 2011

Pengu Update 2

Heya :D

I decided to keep seperate posts, in case I wanna post new stuff :D
also, I figured I haven't fully explained the game yet :D
here's where it's at yo, haha, you get pinguins in your iglos.
when you have enough pinuins to take over a hostile or neutral iglo, Go ahead!
that's basically it.
it's a remake of nanowars, which can be found here:

however, I'm looking for a name, so if there are an idea's post them in the comments down below please :D

here's an update screeeeen:

maandag 8 augustus 2011

Pengu Update 1

and so, with the other problems off the course. It finally begins, like this:

And update! So it continues!

Interesting, I might decide to keep updating this one post as this will be what I'll be working on for the coming weeks!